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Parish Groups / Ministry > Bible in Action


i ) To pray and study the Holy Bible regularly as a group with a view to enhancing the faith of members.
ii ) To participate in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on first Fridays with an end to nurture growing love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
iii ) To help with the Sunday Cafe as a means of serving the parishioners.
iv) To organize every year Mother's Day lunch to promote the spirit of filial piety.

In the four directions of function, the thrust of our efforts is placed on the monthly meetings. Members meet every month on first Monday evening to pray, to sing and to study the Bible. We pray the rosary for world peace and, for the church and for the socially marginalized with great emphasis on 2 other issues namely, religious vocation and the return of lapsed Catholics to the Mother Church. We sing the song "Salt and Light" to remind us to live as salt and light of the world in conformity with the teaching of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we study the Holy Bible to discern the messages of God and put into practice such divine messages in our daily living.

All in a nutshell members of Bible-in-Action work hard with the common objective to live in a caring and loving manner. Joining hand in hand, we strive to move ahead towards Christ with the grace of salvation as our ultimate goal.


Bible-in-Action was formed in 2005. Its formation was promoted by a group of newly baptized Catholics and approved by the then pastor, Fr. Paul Chu.

Meeting time

Every first Monday of the month 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Every first adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the month, on first Fridays 7:00 - 8:30 pm


Name: Anthony Lam
Tel: 604-725-3883