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Travel with Fr. Au
Parish Ministry
Eucharist Ministry
Bereavement Group
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Program (RCIA)
Choir Groups
   Rejoice Choir - Saturday 4:00 pm Cantonese mass
   Praises Choir - Saturday 5:30 pm Mandarin mass
   Angels Choir - Sunday 8:15 am Cantonese mass
   St.Mary's Choir - Sunday 10:00 am Cantonese mass
   St.Mary's Choir (Children and Young Adults Choir)
   Youth Choir - Youth and Family Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month
   Family Choir - Sunday 11:45 am English mass
Youth and Young Adult Groups
   Youth Ministry
   Altar Servers
   Liturgy of the Word with Children
   Canadian Martyrs Youth Prayer Community (CMYPC) - English Youth Prayer Group

Parish Groups
Men and Women Groups
   Knights of Columbus
   The Catholic Women’s League of Canada - Canadian Martyrs Parish Council - Cantonese group
   Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) - English group
   Evergreen Group
Prayer and Bible Study Groups
   Canadian Martyrs Prayer Community (CMPC) - English Prayer Group
   Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy - Canatonse Group
   Infant Jesus Prayer Group
   Chinese Charismatic Prayer Group
   English Legion of Mary - Mary Queen of Families Praesidium - English Legion
   Legion of Mary, Mother Most Chaste (Junior) Praesidium - English Junior Legion
   Legion of Mary, Mary Queen of Martyrs Praesidium - Cantonese Legion
   Legion of Mary, Mother of Christ Praesidium - Mandarin Legion
   Encounter of the Word - Getting to know the Bible, living out the Word, and sharing with others our conversion experience.
   Bible in Action