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Parish Groups / Ministry > Legion of Mary, Mother Most Chaste (Junior) Praesidium


Please refer to Legion of Mary, Mother of Christ Praesidium for the official detailed Mission of the Legion of Mary.
To train and spiritualize the young members so that they will take their place as lay apostles of Christ doing the work as Senior Legion of Mary members.
To the youth, this will be a unique opportunity to develop your confidence and spiritual and mental growth. Junior Legionaries stand to gain for everything they freely give in service to Mary.


Please refer to Legion of Mary, Mother of Christ Praesidium for the official detailed background of Legion of Mary.
The junior praesidium was established on July 13, 2011 by Mary, Mother of Christ Senior Praesidium. All Legion of Mary groups, both Senior and Junior, are all run basically the same, with the exception of the works, which are maturity- and age-appropriate. Junior Legionaries are encouraged to help out at home, school, parish, and local community.


We invite children from age 6 to 17 years of age to join us.



Meeting time

Every Wednesday 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Name: John Sennett
Tel: 604-435-9678